Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Getting Into the Spirit of Christmas

I attended the performance of a singing Christmas tree the other night. The music warmed my heart and the story reminded me of the Great God that we have. The story fit present day realities in our country. A man had lost his job, couldn't provide for his family and couldn't seem to find another job. His wife was a Christian, but he was not. He could not figure out how a babe in a manger could offer him hope in the midst of his dilemma. With the help of a man he met while drinking coffee, he was to start at the manger, but not to stop there. He told him to trace the little baby's life as he grew, became a man, entered His ministry, died on the cross, was buried and rose again. As I watched the progression of the story and the man's journey, to faith I was reminded of how great and gracious our God truly is. I was reminded how He is with His children in whatever we face in life and how He is our hope. As I listened to the Hallelujah Chorus being sung, I was reminded that one day the kingdoms of this earth will become the kingdom of our Lord and God and He shall reign forever as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Hallelujah!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. May God's richest blessings be yours.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. Most people seem a little nicer, a little more concerned about others and a little more cheerful. Unfortunately, most people end up a little more or a lot more in debt after Christmas. Possibly this once a year occurrence of people being their very best selves and going deeper into debt, could be assuaged if people remembered the true meaning of Christmas is not temporal or material.
    God the Father sent His Son to be born as a baby that He might experience life as one of us yet without sin. He lived, minstered and died on a cross to pay for the sins of all mankind. He was buried but rose again on the third day. Remembering that the babe in the manager grew up, became the Savior and rose again as the victorious Lord of life, can help each of us remember that Christmas is a constant thing. As we remember this, maybe we will be our best selves all of the time and will remember that Christ is the secret of a truly wonderful and successful life. As Dr. Adrian Rogers use to say, "If you want to find out how rich you really are, add up what money can't by and death cannot take away."
If this babe in the manager has become your personal Savior and Lord, truly you can experience the true meaing of Christmas all year round. Merry Christmas to all.