Tuesday, January 13, 2015


  Life throws us many curves. Our day starts out as routinely as every other day.Then, things change in a moment in the twinkling of an eye. We receive a diagnosis, a phone call announcing death or catastrophe, a person who spews his or her anger, bitterness, resentment or hatred all over us, a problem that seems to have not solution confronts us. We are blindsided. We didn't see it coming, never suspected that we would be thrust into the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Never remotely considered the possibility that this problem or this person would be there for us to contend with. Discouragement, perplexity, anxiety, fear, even despair may begin to gnaw at us. Unending moments, days and nights of confusion and pain may loom before us. That's life. However, this morning, I was reminded by the writings of Elizabeth Elliot that the secret key to living for the Christian is Christ in us, not in our circumstances being different.