Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Vacation

  Peopel tell me that I work too much. I suspect that is true. Oftentimes I do feel trapped in my daily routine. Last week my daily routine changed. As a teacher, I began my spring break holiday last week. However, as often is the case, I am not having much of a break. A very dear friend passed away last week. His homegoing became an occasion of remembering him and ministering to his family and friends. I also had my family to consider. Therefore, a break filled with inactivity was out of the question.
  I have begun to suspect that my idea of a break and the reality of the meaning of a break are two different things. I now believe that taking a break does not mean inactivity, but rather means changing activity. It is having extra time to do things you could not do before or allocating time for activities you did not carve out time before. I have had extra time this week to spend in Bible study, prayer and ministering to people that I do not get to visit very often.
  My spring break has not been a time of inactivity, but a time of different activity. I have definitely enjoyed it and felt much satisfaction in doing something different. My break has been refreshing, relaxing and has prepared me for diving back into my daily school routine.
  I have discovered that I need to do this "break" thing more often, not necessarily by having time off, but carving time out. I need to step out of the rut of routine and step into deliberate breaks of doing something different for short periods of time. Quite possibily this is the answer to my weariness. We shall see.