October 9-17 was fall break. This time was spent in Ecuador sharing the gospel with anyone who would listen. Why Ecuador? I felt strong that God was leading me to spend my break in Ecuador.For the most part people in Ecuador are hungry for the gospel and will listen as you share.
Our mission team worked in Qaevado, Ventannas and Quito. The Lord blessed and our work was fruitful.
When the people we spoke with asked what church or religion we represented, we readily answered. We went to Ecuador not representing a church, a demonination or religion. We went representating Jesus Christ as the only way to have sins forgiven and a right relationship with God. People argue about particular churches, demoninations or relgions. However, when confronted with Jesus and the gospel, people are presented with a choice. Many people in Ecuador chose to accept God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
I thank God for His leading and His allowing to be part of the presentation of the gospel. I thank God that He allowed me to see Him work miracles in peoples lives. It was a wonderful fall break.