Tuesday, March 24, 2015

He Will Never Leave Us or Forsake Us

As we look at  Hebrews 13:5 in the Greek, we will find it contains five negatives. This emphasizes that He will never under any circumstances leave us alone. He is absolutely trustworthy. Even though circumstances may cause us to doubt this, we must remember that regardless of the circumstances, He is always there with us. Our circumstances may cause us not to be aware of His presence, but He is always aware of us and our circumstances.

 He has not promised to always remove or change our circumstances quickly or at all, but He has promised to be with us in the midst of them. He will walk with us through them. He has promised that as we trust Him, He will cause things to work together for our good and His glory.

All that He asks of us is that we trust Him in the midst of all that life throws at us. Whatever our circumstances, we must choose to trust Him and we must ask that the Holy Spirit would enable us to trust Him. As we do this, we can rest in Him, His Peace, His Wisdom and His Strength. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Step by Step

Step by step is the way the Christian life of faith works. Our temptation is to rush ahead and try to bring about the end result we think God wants. But God is interested in more than the final product; He wants to build our faith as well. When the Israelites were in the wilderness, God provided manna for them to eat—but only enough for a day at a time (Exodus 16). Jesus taught His disciples to pray for “daily bread”—a prayer that needs to be prayed daily (Matthew 6:11). And the psalmist says that God’s Word, like a lamp, shines enough light on our path to walk a few steps at a time (Psalm 119:105).

Let God, by His Spirit and His Word, guide you a step at a time on your path. He is not in a hurry and neither should we be. He wants to build faith as well as put together the end result.

Written by David Jeremiah