Monday, August 31, 2009

The Unexpected

This past Thursday I received some distressing health news. I was diagnosised with a condition that plagues some members of my family, as well as many Americans. Because of my family history, I had tried for years to dodge the bullet. Watching my diet, exercising and whatever else I could do to prevent it, was the routine I religiously observed. My doctor told that my regimen t had prevented its early onset, but that genetics had worked against me. I had tried to prevent the unpreventable. What lesson have I learned? I have learned that despite our best efforts some things are inevitable and sometimes life throws us curves. Therefore, we must face whatever we are given and by the grace of God deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deborah,

    This is the "other" Deborah Hodge. It was so nice to read your comment on my blog. (I just found it the other day.)

    I am so sorry to hear about your distressing health news. I wish you the best of luck in dealing with it, and hope that you are able to continue both teaching and writing.

    Congratulations on your new book that is being published in November!

    I had been recently seeing your name on Amazon and other sites, and I was curious about you. So, it's wonderful and fun that you left me a message! Thanks very much.

    I hope to see a *lot* more books with your name soon. :-)

    Take care!

    All the best,

    Deborah (Hodge — no "A")
